education, communicatio, communicative, competence, modeling, future, teacher, EnglishAbstract
The model of formation of the communicativecompetence of a futureEnglishteacher by means of effectivetechnologies of interaction between subjects of the educationalprocessisaprocess of consistentcreation of its constituentsubstantiveblocksandways to achieve the setresearchgoal- the searchandfindingeffectivetechnologies for interaction between subjects of the educationalprocess.
Thearticlepresents a model for the formation of the communicativecompetence of a futureEnglishteacherthrougheffectiveformsandtechnologies of interaction between subjects of the educationalprocess.
Itincludesthefollowingblocks: a stateorderfor an Englishteacher;requirementsforgraduates of employers;rulesset out innewstatestandards; a goal-settingblock;variousforms of pedagogicalinteraction;communicationtechnologies; a set of organizationalandpsychological and pedagogicalconditions.
The key to the successful formation of the communicative competence of a future English teacher is the search and implementation of effective technologies for the interaction of subjects of the educational process in this process. The establishment of communications between the subjects of the educational process is possible through clear informing of all departments both about the general concept and purpose of the educational institution, and informing them about the set professional goals, tasks within the framework of professional training of students of all departments of the faculty, departments in the areas of their interaction with the university administration. To solve this problem, we used the modeling method.
The analysis of modern conditions for the training of future foreign language teachers has shown that there is a need to create a system aimed at the formation of professional and communicative competence of a foreign language teacher, which serves as the basis for the implementation of professional and pedagogical functions. On the basis of competence-based, communicative and professionally-oriented approaches, a model for the formation of professional and communicative competence has been developed, which includes targeted, conceptual, meaningful, procedural, methodological and effective blocks.