
  • Zhansugurova К.T.
  • Aubakirova G.M.
  • Tursunbayeva A.U. КазУМОиМЯ им Абылай хана



reflection, direction, reflexive activity, a reflexive look, intersubject communication, reflexive-self, reflexive orientation, systematic and organizational regulation, didactic insructions, рedagogical and рsychological asрects.


In this article the directions of reflexion of future teachers are considered from the point of view of theoretical analysis of self-development of future teachers. The problem of reflexion as a process of comprehension of the internal mental act and state of the subject requires a conscious process of evaluation of thoughts, emotions and behavior, as well as decisions made and prospects for future activity. Therefore the necessity of studying the internal structure of reflexion as well as the possibility of forming the ability to reflect on the practical, theoretical and methodological level is relevant. Based on the analysis of the content of the term "reflexion" and its regularities, to form the reflexion of future teachers it is necessary to define such notions as "reflexive activity", "formation of a reflexive environment", "activation of intersubjective communication of participants of reflexive activity", "actualization of reflexivity". In order to develop the reflexive skills of future teachers it is necessary to create pedagogical situations which give young teachers an opportunity to expand the awareness of their own selves. Future teachers will become reflective in their actions and be able to differentiate their own feelings and experiences, and this can help to organise and unlock the inner potential of professional activity. In philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical aspects of considering reflexion, there are similar points of view which complement the term "direction" (the direction of one's attention and reflection on one's own thoughts, emotions, actions, experiences, states, and worldview). The basis of reflexion as the direction of attention to oneself, in the pedagogical aspect, is defined in three aspects: first, direction is a set of consequences and circumstances of an object; second, an established set influences the development, upbringing and education of an individual; third, the influence of directions is defined in an accelerated or delayed process of development, upbringing and education, and direction can influence their dynamics and the final result. Proceeding from this position, this article describes the results of research and generalization of general scientific and pedagogical research, analyzes the typological classification of the reflexive directions that have developed in the theory and practice of pedagogy and are used in the professional training of future teachers.





