Publication ethics


The editorial board of the journal "Bulletin. Series: Pedagogical sciences"  supports and uses the principles formulated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in its activities. Link:

І. Responsibilities and rights of editors

The editorial board is based on the scientific content, relevance, originality, clarity, significance, and validity of the publication material when addressing issues concerning the acceptance/rejection of a material for publication.

The editorial board informs the author or the author's team about the receipt of the material for publication in the journal within three to five days from the moment of its receipt.

Each article approved during the preliminary examination process is reviewed using blind peer review. In case of a positive recommendation from the reviewers and check in the anti-plagiarism system "" (Scale of threshold values ​​CS1-30% and CS2-5%), the final decision is made to publish the article. Articles showing signs of plagiarism, which materials were previously published in the form of articles, monographs, dissertations, dissertation abstracts, patents, scientific reports, etc. are not published.

In case of non-compliance with the requirements (inconsistency of the article material with the subject of the journal, non-compliance with ethics, poor originality, technical errors, etc.), the editorial board reserves the right to reject the material. If the article is rejected, the editorial board reserves the right not to discuss the reasons for the rejection.

If errors are found in the work and it is possible to correct them, the author is given the opportunity to make relevant amendments as soon as possible.

The final decision on the possibility (or impossibility) of publishing materials in the journal is made by the editorial board pursuant to the policy and ethics of the journal, the current legislation in the field of copyright

The editorial staff does not disclose information about the submitted works to anyone other than the respective authors and reviewers.

Unpublished data, information or ideas obtained from the materials submitted for consideration are kept confidential, they are not used for personal purposes and are not transferred to third parties without the written consent of the author.

II. Responsibilities and rights of reviewers

Review of scientific papers is used with the application of blind peer review in order to ensure the quality of the published article, the correctness and credibility of the results presented.

The manuscript received for review is considered as a confidential document, which cannot be transferred for review or discussion to third parties not authorized for that by the editorial board.

The reviewer is not entitled to sign a review written by another person.

The reviewer is obliged to give an objective and reasoned assessment of the presented research results and clearly reasoned recommendations.

The review should contain reasoned criticisms regarding the level and clarity of the submitted material`s presentation, its compliance with the profile of the journal, the novelty and reliability of the results.

The reviewer should pay edition board`s attention to the significant or partial similarity of the submitted material for review with any other work, as well as the fact of references` absence to the provisions, conclusions or arguments previously published in other works of this or other authors.

The comments and suggestions of the reviewer should be objective and principled, aimed at improving the scientific level of the submitted material for review.

Unpublished data obtained from the materials submitted for review is not used by the reviewer for personal purposes.

The recommendations of the reviewers are the basis for making a final decision on the publication of the article. 

ІІІ. Responsibilities and rights of authors

Authors or a group of authors are responsible for the relevance of the scientific content of the work, reflecting the ability of the work`s results to be applicable for solving sufficiently significant scientific and practical problems when submitting materials to a scientific journal.

When submitting materials to a scientific journal, authors or a group of authors are responsible for the credibility of the results findings, knowingly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable, and only authentic facts and information should be provided in the materials for publication.

The originality of the research results presented in the materials submitted for publication. If individual elements were previously published, the author (or a group of authors) is obliged to refer to an earlier work and indicate the differences between the new work and the previous one. In the case of borrowing fragments or statements, they must be formalized with the obligatory indication of the author and the original source. The presence of unformulated quotations is not allowed. The presence of a significant percentage of borrowings in the materials for publication (the originality of the work is not less than 80%), as well as complete plagiarism, is unacceptable.

Materials published earlier, or transferred to other publications, are not accepted, in the accompanying letter the author or a group of authors should indicate that the work is published for the first time. If the author (or authors) concurrently submits the same material to more than one journal, or an article that has already been published, it is a violation of ethical standards and gives grounds for withdrawing the article from consideration.

Authors should submit and formalize materials for publication in accordance with the rules adopted in the journal.

Authors should respect the work of the editorial board and reviewers and eliminate these shortcomings or credibly explain them.

If the author or the group of authors discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, it is necessary to immediately notify the editorial board of the journal.

Conflict of interest

Conflict of interest is a conflict situation in which authors, reviewers, or members of the editorial board have implicit interests that can influence their judgments about the published material. A conflict of interest arises when there are financial, personal, or professional conditions that may affect the scientific judgment of the reviewer and the members of the editorial board, and, as a result, the decision of the editorial board regarding the publication of the manuscript.

The executive editor of the journal should require all participants of the manuscript publication process to disclose a conflict of interest.

The executive editor, editorial board member, and reviewers must disclose a potential conflict of interest that could somehow influence the editorial board's decision. Members of the editorial board should refuse to consider the manuscript if they are in any competitive relationship related to the research results of the author (s) of the manuscript, or if there is another conflict of interest.

When submitting a manuscript for consideration to the journal, the author (s) declares that all sources of research funding are indicated in the manuscript content; also indicate what commercial, financial, personal, or professional factors exist that could create a conflict of interest in relation to the submitted manuscript. The author (s), in the cover letter, if there is a conflict of interest, may indicate scientists who, in their opinion, will not be able to objectively evaluate their manuscript.

The reviewer should not consider manuscripts that could cause a conflict of interest arising from competition, collaboration, or other relationship with any of the authors related to the manuscript.

In the event of a conflict of interest with the content of the manuscript, the executive editor delegates the review of the manuscript to another reviewer.

The existence of a conflict of interest between the participants during the review and review process does not mean that the manuscript will be rejected.

All interested parties should, as far as possible, avoid the emergence of a conflict of interest in any variation at all stages of publication. In the event of any conflict of interest, the person who discovered this conflict must immediately notify the editorial board of this. The same applies to any other violation of the principles, standards and norms of publication and scientific ethics.

Unethical behavior

Unethical behavior is the act of authors, editors or publishers:

  • related to the independent provision of reviews of their own articles;
  • contractual and pseudo peer review;
  • resorting to agency services for the publication of the results of scientific research;
  • falsification of the composition of the authors;
  • publication of pseudoscientific texts;
  • transfer of the texts of articles to other journals without the consent of the authors;
  • transfer of authors' materials to third parties;
  • violation of copyright and the principle of confidentiality of editorial processes;
  • manipulation with quotation, plagiarism, falsification and fabrication.

Instructions for revoking or correcting articles

Journal editors should consider withdrawing a publication if:

1.they have clear evidence of the unreliability of the published information, either as a result of deliberate actions (for example, data falsification);

  1. the findings have been previously published in another publication, and there is no proper reference, authorization and justification for the need for re-publication (cases of duplicate publication);
  2. it is plagiarized;
  3. describes unethical research.

Withdrawal notices must:

- be clearly identified as a review (that is, different from other types of amendments and comments);

- be withdrawn as soon as possible in order to minimize the negative consequences of false publications;

- indicate who is withdrawing the article;

- indicate the reasons for the revocation (distinguish deliberate illegal actions from bona fide errors);

- avoid potentially defamatory statements.

The main purpose of reviews is to correct the information and ensure its integrity, and not to punish the authors who committed violations.

Articles can be recalled by their author (s) or the editor of the journal. The chief / executive editor makes the final decision on the revocation of the article. Publications must be withdrawn as soon as the editor of the journal is satisfied that the publication has serious violations and contains deliberately false information (or is duplicate or plagiarized).

Journal editors should consider making corrections if:

1.A small proportion of otherwise high-quality publication turns out to be unreliable (especially due to bona fide mistakes);

  1. the list of authors contains errors (that is, there is no one who deserves to be an author, or a person who does not meet the criteria for authorship was included in it), but there is no reason to doubt the validity of the conclusions. 

IV. Publication of corrections, apologies, denials

The editors of the journal are responsible for all published materials and undertake to ensure their high quality and reliability.

The editorial staff of the journal is always ready to publish corrections, explanations, apologies and refutations regarding the material published in the issues of the journal, if necessary.

The journal does not leave unanswered claims regarding the reviewed manuscripts.

If a conflict situation is identified, the editorial board will take all measures to restore the violated rights.