
  • Amanzholova A.A. Military institute
  • Zhalalova A.M.
  • Sadirbekova D.
  • Konasheva R.A.



development, cognitive skills, preschool children, critical thinking, technologies, language culture, speech culture, language personality


In traditionally oriented linguistics, such problems and tasks are constantly being posed and formed that can no longer be solved by means and methods rooted in science, but require the use of syncretic logical-linguistic, psycholinguistic, sociolinguistic methods of studying the linguistics of the text. In our opinion, linguoculturology as a special area of analysis is brought to life by this very formulation of the question. The humanization of the modern science of language brings to the fore the problems associated with a communicative personality, a person who speaks and perceives speech. The starting point here, therefore, is the understanding of the linguistic personality "as a set of human abilities and characteristics that determine the creation and perception of speech works by him".

The analysis of the dynamic existence of science is relevant, very complex and requires the development of an integral system of criteria for determining the justification of some language changes in a particular historical period and the inadmissibility of others. Scientific information about language (along with information from other sciences) and the methodological principles underlying them form a person's scientific worldview, his understanding of how language works; they serve as the basis of humanitarian education, the basis of a person's linguistic culture. At the same time, the concept of linguistic culture is inextricably linked with the concepts of value, the significance of language as a phenomenon and attribute of culture, the carrier of which is a person participating in communication. The cultural significance of language, the understanding that it reflects the picture of the world, the whole human life passed through human consciousness, find their expression at different levels of the language system.

The linguistic culture of the individual is formed by the interaction of the phenomena "culture of language" and "culture of speech". It is based on knowledge of the norms of written and oral speech, semantic and expressive capabilities of the system, the study of exemplary artistic, journalistic and some other rhetorical texts belonging to the classics.

When analyzing linguistic means, artistic thinking and artistic taste of a linguistic personality are developed.





