
  • Dautuly T. Military institute
  • Kojagulov S.
  • Sovet E.
  • Auezov B.



poetry, humanism, humane principles, Kazakh enlighteners, poet- thinker, historical roots, national intelligentsia, creative heritage


This article discusses the issues of humanistic idea in Kazakh poetry. Folk pedagogy has a single basis, based on generally accepted, universal norms, rules of education and upbringing. Each nation expresses, refracts, implements these common ideas and knowledge in its own way, based on national customs and traditions. In almost all definitions, researchers consider the process of education to be the object and subject of folk pedagogy. Meanwhile, the learning process occupies an equally important place in folk pedagogy. In particular, the people teach, teach the younger generation a specific profession, skill, applied art, sports games, etc. Consequently, in the definition of folk pedagogy, education and training should find their expression simultaneously as a single bilateral process of development of the education system in Kazakhstan during the period of accession to another country.

In the distant past, Kazakh nomads had no educational institutions other than mektebs and madrasas as such. Nomadic conditions did not allow them to have stationary educational institutions, but it should not be concluded from this that Kazakhs in those distant times had no schools at all.

It should be noted that in the process of educating the new generation in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism, teachers do not use enough materials on the history, culture, education of Kazakhstan - those materials that help to form moral feelings, develop value orientations of the individual. But it is very important to show young people that the principles of activity and current problems of our time have deep historical roots in the progressive, humanistic ideas of the past. Kazakh enlighteners of the XIX century, consistent champions of enlightenment, who defended humane principles and ideals of public education, played a big role in the dissemination of these ideas. Pedagogical views of Ch. Valikhanov and Altynsarina, and Kunanbayeva played a positive role in the history of the development of education, in many ways they still do not lose their significance. Their teaching is an integral and original pedagogical system in which many pedagogical problems were reflected, the most important scientific concepts - general pedagogical, didactic and methodological - were introduced into use: visibility in teaching, experience and observation.

Purposefulness of learning, educative learning, forms of classroom and extracurricular work. Kazakh educators paid special attention to the specifics of various components of education: moral, physical and labor education on the basis of folk traditions.





