
  • Akhmetova G. Sirdarya
  • Seidina M.



tolerance, digital competence, digital technology, competence, understanding, mutual understanding, cooperation, future specialis


The article discusses the importance of understanding, mutual understanding and cooperation of the components of tolerance as the digital competence of future specialists. The authors classify the digital competence of future specialists in two areas and reveal the problems through a study of their needs.

The work with students reflects the relationship between the needs of determining digital competencies and the structure of professional tolerance of O.B. Polushina (cognitive, emotional, behavioral). Methods for developing digital competencies of future specialists are connected by understanding, mutual understanding and cooperation. The authors identify criteria for digital competencies as a result of work carried out with students. Justify the criteria for digital competencies with identified problems.

The meaning and role of tolerance as the digital competence of future specialists in accordance with the needs of changes in production is explained. The results of the initial and final stages of professional training of future specialists are analyzed in terms of motivational, cognitive, emotional and behavioral components.

60 students of the Zh. Tashenov University are participating in the experiment. Future specialists participating in the experiment were organized online and offline trainings of various types in different formats using digital technologies. When forming digital competence of students, understanding, mutual understanding, and the relationship between the components of tolerance and implementation mechanisms are formed in accordance with the goal. The work of future specialists with digital technologies stimulates the formation of their digital competence. The relevance of professional tolerance in working with digital technologies of future specialists is substantiated.

The relevance of professional tolerance in working with digital technologies of future specialists is substantiated. It is shown that the competitiveness of future specialists depends on the tolerance of their digital competencies to modern digitalization processes. Understanding of future digital professionals, mutual understanding of feedback and tolerance for collaboration as digital competence are emphasized.




