
  • Nezdemkovskaya G.V.



ethnos, ethnic education, culture, ethnic culture, ethnic identity, public education, ethnopedagogy, national values, tolerance


The article discusses the social development trends that are typical for today's reality, such as economic disintegration, social differentiation of society, devaluation of spiritual values, which had a negative impact on the public consciousness of most social and age groups and actualized the problem of ethnic education of young people.

The absence of clear classifications, their criteria indicates that the problem of ethnic education is relevant, but not yet sufficiently developed. The need to study this problem is determined by the main contradictions between: the need for targeted ethnic education of students and the insufficient implementation of this aspect of educational work in university practice.

The contradictions determined the problem considered in the article and led to the question: what are the pedagogical conditions for the ethnic education of university students? Solving this problem was the goal of the study.

The theoretical analysis of the scientific literature, the study of the real situation of the problem under study and the findings convinced us of the importance of the ethical education of student youth, since it is during this age period that students socialize in a multi-ethnic environment and a person is introduced to the accumulated humanity, including his own people, cultural values.

When studying scientific literature, they adhered to the principles of consistency, consistency, historicism and cultural conformity; research methods were used: analysis, synthesis, deductive and inductive generalizations.

The results of the study of the problems of ethnic education allowed us to clarify the essence of the concept of "ethnic education", and consider it as a purposeful process of introducing university students to ethno-social values and forming a positive ethnic identity and ethnic tolerance on this basis.

There is an obvious need to study the problems of ethnic education of students in order to organize purposeful ethnic education of students, since this aspect of educational work is absent in university practice. Modern realities of the organization of the educational process at the university confirm the need for effective practice-oriented programs for ethnic education.




