
  • Akybaeva G.S. Карагандинский университет имени академика Е.А.Букетова
  • Syrymbetova L.S.
  • Zhetpisbayeva B.A.
  • Izbassar А.



competence, skills,, competence model, higher education, student's digital profile, foreign language, descriptors, components


This article considers ways and possibilities of developing the competence model of high school student/graduate. At the same time, this model is designed to determine the content of a digital profile. In this aspect, this article is a logical continuation of previous publications, which reflect the definitions given by the authors of key concepts, such as “digital profile” and “competence model”, which formed the basis of the purpose of this article. In this regard, the authors solved the following tasks: to define a set of competencies, classify and structure them to adapt to the digital profile of a student /graduate of a higher education. To solve the tasks, there were studied the skills required by 21st century person in a global and national context. Therefore, 1) skills recommended by the World Economic Forum (WEF), 2) competencies reflected in the National Qualifications Framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NQF RK), 3) competencies required by the State Mandatory Educational Standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan (SMES RK), 4) as well as other strategically significant national programs of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 5) competencies planned in a number of educational programs of universities in Kazakhstan were considered. The study and analysis of these documents made it possible to design the desired model, in the structure of which three components identified — affective, cognitive and procedural. Descriptors of each component are written and grouped according to general indicators: socially and professionally significant qualities of personality, educational and scientific achievements, as well as academic and initial professional skills. The constructed model is characterized by pragmatism, simplicity, adequacy and inherent.

Since the requested model is designed as the digital profile content of a high school student/graduate, the next step (to upload objective data into a digital profile) is related to the development of criteria by the levels of formation of all generalized indicators and selection of appropriate diagnostic tools. Because of the complexity of the issue, it is the subject of a separate scientific article.




